Elevate Your Sales with Epic Book Writers’ Professional Book Publishing Services

In the competitive world of book publishing, first impressions matter. Epic Book Writers’ Book Publishing Services ensure your book leaves a lasting impression on store shelves and online platforms. Collaborate with our expert designers to craft a distinctive, attention-grabbing cover that captivates readers and elevates your book's visibility. Whether it's your debut or fiftieth book, our cost-effective and professional services will propel your sales to new heights. Place your order today and make your mark in the world of publishing!

Book Covers

The Four-Step Process For Amazing Book Publishing Services at Epic Book Writers’

EPIC Book Publishers

At Epic Book Writers, our primary objective is to create outstanding content. Need ebook writers for hire? Contact us for a one-hour in-person consultation with our professional ebook writers. Our robust quality standards ensure your book reaches its classically crafted final version

EPIC Book Publishers
Research and Planning

Through Rigorous Research and Planning, we connect you with skilled writers who are masters in your industry. Tell our skilled craftsman what you want, and let them work their magic.

EPIC Book Publishers
Content Creation

Get the book written exactly as you envision with unlimited free revisions from our authors. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, making us the best self-publishing service.

EPIC Book Publishers
Editing and Polishing

One of the secrets to a successful career is creating appealing, informative ebooks. At Epic Book Writers, we help you get in touch with exceptional authors who are experts in your field.

Why Choose Us

Book Covers

Big-5 Editors

There is no one better to guide you through the world of publishing than former Big-5 acquisitions editors.

Agent and Publisher Connections

We work directly with top literary agents, Big-5 publishers, dozens of independent presses, and the very best marketers, publicists, and other key professionals in the business.

Proven Results

We’ve developed numerous concepts, proposals, and pub strategies that have secured 6- and 7-figure deals from publishers and hit #1 on the EPIC Times bestseller list.


Initial Draft Submission and Publishing Terms
Once the author sends us their complete manuscript, we will discuss your publication requirements with our experts and explain the project, printing, and publishing rules. Then we will send you a contract letter before proceeding ahead.
Content Evaluation, Coaching, Editing, and Proofreading
Our expert content creators, copyeditors, and developmental editors then review your content or copy. They will thoroughly study, analyze, proofread, and make required modifications to the book and send it to you for approval.
Typography, Images, and Illustrations Setting
Once you approve the editing, we will proceed with setting the typeface and adding photos and illustrations. Our experts will format the manuscript and incorporate the photos once editors have evaluated it.
Interior Design and Book Production
We create the initial draft of the book. In this draft, we will show you the layout, borders, headers, table of content, etc. Once you approve, the rest of the volumes follow the same pattern.
Marketing, Publishing, and Distribution
We start by getting the design approved. We created the demand for the book by spreading awareness about it before it is published. We publish the manuscript in the formats you need and make it live for your readers worldwide.

Allow Us to Manage Your Book Publishing Needs, and Witness Your Masterpiece Earn the Recognition and Attention It Deserves, All at an Affordable Rate

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You can utilize Online platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or other self-publishing services. You can either pursue traditional publishing or self-publishing To get a book published. For conventional publishing, Submit your manuscript to literary agents or publishers.

Traditional publishing involves submitting your manuscript to literary agents or publishers who handle the publishing process. Traditional publishing typically offers advances and oversees editing, distribution, and marketing. Self-publishing allows independently publish your book, retaining control over the entire process, but you're responsible for the costs and marketing.

Research literary agents who specialize in your genre. Prepare a compelling query letter and a synopsis of your manuscript. Submit your query to agents who represent your type of work. Attend writing conferences and network with industry professionals to increase your chances of finding the right literary agent.

Self-publishing timelines can be as short as a few months, Steps for which can include finding an agent, securing a book deal, editing, cover design, and marketing. The traditional publishing timeline can take 1-2 years.

professional editing, cover design, formatting, and marketing are the Costs for self-publishing. These expenses vary widely, and some authors do some tasks themselves to save money. Print-on-demand services often have no upfront costs, as expenses are deducted from book sales.

Utilize social media, author websites, and book promotion platforms. Seek reviews from book bloggers and encourage readers to leave reviews on retailer sites. Consider virtual book tours, signings, and engaging with your target audience. Building an author platform and networking within the writing community can enhance your book's visibility.